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Nassavix Province (#5)
Origin of Province name: Nassavix means "Across the Bay" In Zekresh. It is named because it is across the North Bay from the older Zekresh settlements.
Provincial Capital: Nassavix
Estimated Population: 75,000
Population at last census: (no census taken)
Year annexed to Empire:
Ulor (governor): Nashlan (appointed 28/7/40 Cledman VI)
Political Alignment of Ulor: Reformist
Ethnic background of Ulor: Zekresh and Verronese
Ulor's primary advisor: (post vacant)
Ethnic background of advisor:
Popular Support for Empire: medium - low
Economic Development: The main economic activity in the province is farming, followed by fishing, gambling, trade, usurious loans and timber exports. The economy is not highly developed, but is more highly developed than most nearby provinces.
Imperial Military Garrison: 3 phalanxes of infantry
Governor's Guards: 200
Civilian officials and their servants: 89
Estimated Average Annual Tax per Person: 2 baylo
Govt Finances: The provincial government is current on tax collections, remittances to Zekran and debt payments. Its budget is not large. Taxes are about the same as in the rest of the Empire.
Land and Climate:
Nassavix has a climate that is colder than most of the Empire, but relatively moderate with good rainfall. The province is heavily forested.
The provincial capital is named Nassavix and the province is named after the city. The city was founded by Zekresh settlers and the province was carved out around it. Prior to the arrival of the Zekresh, the area where the city of Nassavix was built did not belong to any one tribe, but was the middle ground between three tribes of "wildemen" as the Zekresh called them. These were the Moose People, the Deep Forest People and the Round House People. When the province of Nassavix was created, large chunks of territory belonging to these three groups was included in the province.
The province has a frontier feel to it because it is so far from the central areas of the Empire and is benefitting from the continuing arrival of settlers in the Far West, many of whom pass through Nassavix on the way. Growing populations in the Far West have been beneficial to the province's economy, especially the sale of timber to more arid provinces to the south and of trade in manufactured items from the central areas of the Empire. Such items are often sold to wholesalers in Nassavix who resell them in the Far Western provinces. Gambling, crime and discriminatory taxes tend to relieve travelers of their money, even if they were only passing through.
Ethnic Groups:
The population of Nassavix is mixed. The largest groups are the Baaniferians in the northern part of the province and Lolenstoornileken (Round House People) in the southern part of the province. Each of these is about a quarter of the population. A considerable number of Thalaning People (Deep Forest People) live in the western portionof the province, perhaps as many as one fifth of the population. There are also significant numbers of Eesleken (Mouse People) whose homeland also lies to the south in Esan Province. They may be as much as ten percent of the total population, but they live amongst the Round House People in the southern portion of the province to whom they are related and only a few live in the city of Nassavix. Mouse People are one of the most physically distinctive groups in the Empire due to their small size, usually less than five feet tall, and their prominent ears. It is believed their appearance is why they are called the Mouse People.
There is not a significant ethnic Zekresh population in the province, but there are considerable numbers of other kinds of settlers from the East, especially Verronese, Kaliskans and Slythians. Together, immigrants from the east constitute about one tenth of the population, concentrated in the city of Nassavix and its surroundings where they are the majority. At least a few members of every major ethnic group in the Empire can be found in the city of Nassavix. It is probably the most cosmopolitan city in the Far West.
Recent actions by the provincial government:
A special tax has been imposed on people of Zekresh ethnicity or even partial Zekresh ancestry. The provincial government offers land on credit to non-Zekresh immigrants. The Rizado Uloresh (Governor's Guards) keep a careful watch on the soldiers of the Imperial Army garrison and are quick to arrest any who get rowdy. The Ulor has taken over control of the Imperial Army garrison and sent some of the troops away, leaving the province lightly defended.
Apparent consequences of provincial government policies:
Almost all Zekresh people have either left the province or are pretending to be Frayeth to avoid the special tax on Zekresh people. Some immigrants including Frayeth with Zekresh accents have obtained land on credit under a provincial program and are reselling it at a profit. Merchants are worried about rumors of an impending special tax on ships and rumors that pirates may try to take advantage of the province's minimal defenses but so far these are just rumors. Taxes are levied on goods brought into the province and on sales in the public market places. Smuggling by Silway Siliken ships, Verronese merchants and Slythian organized crime gangs is common to avoid the taxes on imports and exports. Tax collectors meet arriving ships to collect sixty doveko of tax from everyone who seems to be Zekresh, regardless of whether they are planning to stay in the province. Even ship crewmen and captains are taxed.
Situations which may or may not have resulted from government policies:
There are many traders and sailors coming in and out of the province, mostly Verronese, but some ships that used to come to Nassavix now avoid it. There is a booming speculative market in land. Mouse People are afraid to enter the city because they are targeted by criminals. Verronese merchants discriminate against Zekresh people and Slythians and charge them higher prices. Imperial Army troops from the local garrison are connected with Slythian organized crime groups and even serve as enforcers for loan sharks.
The city of Nassavix was one of the earliest Zekresh settlements in the Far West and is centuries old. It has been relatively peaceful.
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